1. Bayesian Estimations of Shannon Entropy and Rényi Entropyof Inverse Weibull Distribution[J].Mathematics,2023,11,2483(1-16)(第1作者,SCI) 2.Porcelain Supply Chain Coordination Considering thePreferences of Consumers against the Backgroundof E-Commerce[J].Sustainability, 2023,15, 9877(1-19).(第1作者,SCI,SSCI) 3.任海平.质量控制中的寿命绩效指标的统计推断研究,中南大学出版社,2022 4.任海平.考虑决策者行为因素的直觉模糊多属性决策理论与应用.冶金工业出版社,2021 5.任海平.可靠性分布模型参数的Bayes统计推断研究.冶金工业出版社,2020.01 6. An Intelligent Expert Combination Weighting Scheme for Group Decision Making of Railway Reconstruction[J]. Mathematics, 2022,10,549 (1-21)(通讯作者,SCI) 7.A novel regret theory-based decision-making method combined with the intuitionistic fuzzy Canberra distance[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2020, 8848031(1-9)(第1作者,SCI) 8.A novel ranking function-based triangular intuitionistic fuzzy fault tree analysis method[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2020, 39(2): 2753–2761(通讯作者,SCI、EI) 9.A novel distance of intuitionistic trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and its-based prospect theoryalgorithm in multi-attribute decision making model[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020,17(4): 2905 -2922(第1作者,SCI、EI) 10.Extended TODIM method for MADM problem under trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy environment[J]. International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2019, 14(2):220-232(第1作者,SCI) 11.A Chi-squaredistance-basedsimilaritymeasure ofsingle-valuedneutrosophicset andapplications [J], International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 2019, 14(1):78-89(第1作者,SCI) 12.Bayesian reliability analysis of exponential distribution model under a new loss function, International Journal of Performability Engineering , 2018,14(8): 1815-1823(第1作者,EI) 13.Hierarchical Bayesian reliability analysis of Binomial distribution based on zero-failure data,International Journal of Performability Engineering , 2018,14(9):2076-2081(通讯作者,EI) |