科研项目 |
(1)几类生态随机动力系统模型的算法研究与应用(No. 11801238), 国家自然科学基金,2019.1-2021.12,主持; (2) 几类时滞随机微分方程数值算法的研究(No. 11561028), 国家自然科学基金,2016.1-2019.12,主持; (3)几类带跳随机微分方程的解析解分析与数值研究(No.11326238),国家自然科学基金,2014.1-2014.12,主持,已结题; (4) 随机积分微分方程的数值研究(No. 20151bab201013), 江西省科技厅自然科学基金,2015.1-2016.12,主持,已结题;; (5)带跳随机微分方程的解析解分析与数值研究(No.GJJ13374),江西省教育厅青年基金, 2013.1-2013.12,主持,已结题; |
学术成果 |
[1]Hu Lin*,Chan Xuezhong. Aining, Bao Xuezhong. Numerical analysis of the balanced methods for stochastic Volterra integro-differential equations. Computational and Applied Mathematics.(2021) 40:203. (SCI收录) [2] Xuezhong Bao; Lin Hu. Convergence and stability of split-stepθmethods for stochastic variable delay differential equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2023, 100(5): 1171-1192 (期刊论文) (SCI收录) [3] Hu L., Wu Q.,Xv Q.C., etc. Numerical analysis of the balanced methods for the impulsivestochastic differential equations. Journal of donghua university, EnglishEdition,2015, 32(4): 626-635 (EI收录) [4] Hu L., Wu Q.,Xv Q.C, Zhang Z.J. Numerical analysis for stochastic delay integro-differentialequations, International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications,2016,15(2),93-123; [5]. Wu Q., Hu L.,Liu G.L .An Osgood Type Regularity Criterion for the 3D Boussinesq Equations.The scientific world journal , Volume 2014, Article ID 563084, 4 pages; (SCI收录)[6] Zhang Z.J.,Zhong D.X, Hu L. A New Regularity Criterion for the 3D Navier-Stokes Equationsvia Two Entries of the Velocity Gradient Tensor. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2014,DOI10.1007/s10440-013-9834-3; (SCI收录) |