序号 |
论 文 名 称 |
作者 |
发表时间 |
发表刊物、会议名称及检索号或ISSN |
1 |
Adaptive harmony search with best-based search strategy-补100绩效 |
郭肇禄 |
2018年 |
2 |
A hybrid harmony search algorithm for node localisation in wireless sensor networks |
郭肇禄 |
2018年 |
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing(EI) |
3 |
Improved gravitational search algorithm with crossover |
尹宝勇 |
2018年 |
4 |
Existence and multiplicity results for double phase problem |
刘舞龙 |
2018年 |
Journal of Differential Equations(SCI) |
5 |
Prime-valent arc-transitive basic graphs with order 4p or 4p2 |
刘海林 |
2018年 |
Turkish Journal of Mathematics(SCI) |
6 |
Pentavalent Arc-transitive Graphs of Order 2p(2)q |
刘海林 |
2018年 |
Taiwan residents Journal of Mathematics(SCI) |
7 |
Variable bandwidth local maximum likelihood type estimation for diffusion processes |
唐明田 |
2018年 |
8 |
Constraints for geodesic network interpolation at a vertex |
杨火根 |
2018年 |
Computer Aided Geometric Design (SCI) |
9 |
Enhanced social emotional optimisation algorithm with elite multi-parent crossover |
郭肇禄 |
2017年 |
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics(EI) |
10 |
Gravitational search algorithm with Gaussian mutation strategy |
郭肇禄 |
2017年 |
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing(EI) |
11 |
Multiple solutions for a fractional Schrodinger equation with local potential |
刘舞龙 |
2017年 |
Communications on pure and applied analysis(SCI) |
12 |
Local M-estimation for conditional variance function with dependent data |
王允艳等 |
2017年 |
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics(SCI) |
13 |
Self-adaptive differential evolution with elite opposition-based learning |
郭肇禄等 |
2016年 |
ICIC Express Letters(EI) |
14 |
Self-adaptive differential evolution with global neighborhood search |
郭肇禄等 |
2016年 |
Soft Computing(EI) |
15 |
Adaptive harmony search with best-based search strategy |
郭肇禄等 |
2016年 |
Soft Computing(EI) |
16 |
Enhancing social emotional optimization algorithm using local search |
郭肇禄等 |
2016年 |
Soft Computing(EI) |
17 |
Numerical analysis of the balanced methods for the impulsive stochastic differential equations |
胡琳 |
2016年 |
Journal of donghua university, English Edition(EI) |
18 |
Restricted estimation and testing of hypothesis in linear measurement errors models |
李文学 |
2016年 |
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods(EI) |
19 |
Nonparametric robust function estimation for Integrated Diffusion Process |
王允艳等 |
2016年 |
Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications(SCI) |
20 |
On upper bounds for the minimum rank of regular classes of (0,1)-matrices |
钟金等 |
2016年 |
Linear and Multilinear Algebra(SCI) |
21 |
Further results on the minimum rank of regular classes of (0,1)-matrices |
钟金等 |
2016年 |
Linear Algebra and its Applications(SCI) |
22 |
Automorphisms of a commuting graph of rank one upper triangular matrices |
偶世坤等 |
2016年 |
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra(SCI) |
23 |
Numerical analysis of the balanced methods for the impulsive stochastic differential equations |
胡琳(1/5) |
2015年 |
Journal of donghua university, English Edition (ISSN: 1672-5220) EI: 20155201736788 |
24 |
Nonlinear Maps Satisfying Derivability of a Class of Matrix Ring over Commutative Rings |
偶世坤(1/2) |
2015年 |
Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications (ISSN:2095-2651) |
25 |
A Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Differential Evolution Particle Swarm Optimization Fuzzy C-Means Clustering |
刘建生(1/2) |
2015年 |
26 |
An Enhanced Differential Evolution with Elite Chaotic Local Search |
郭肇禄(1/5) |
2015年 |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (ISSN: 1687-5265) SCI: 000360720400001 |
27 |
Local M-estimation for conditional variance in heteroscedastic regression models |
王允艳(1/2) |
2015年 |
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods (ISSN:0361-0926)SCI: 000349597500003 |
28 |
Construction of B-spline surface with B-spline curves as |
杨火根(1/2) |
2015年 |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 0377-0427)SCI:000359167100008 |
29 |
Optimized design of Bézier surface through Bézier geodesic quadrilateral |
杨火根(1/2) |
2015年 |
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (ISSN: 0377-0427) SCI: 000342718100020 |
30 |
Some Weighted Norm Estimates for the Composition of the Homotopy and Green's Operator |
李华灿(1/1) |
2014年 |
ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS (ISSN: 1085-3375) SCI: 000332857600001 |
31 |
An Automatic Image Inpainting Algorithm Based on FCM |
刘建生(1/4) |
2014年 |
The Scientific World Journal (ISSN: 1537-744X) SCI: 000330399300001 |
32 |
A Thermodynamical Selection-Based Discrete Differential Evolution for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem |
郭肇禄(1/4) |
2014年 |
ENTROPY (ISSN: 1099-4300) SCI: 000346798600005 |
33 |
The asymptotic behavior of INAR(p) models |
唐明田(1/2) |
2014年 |
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods(ISSN:0361-0926)SCI: 000337921400015 |