学术成果 |
1. Intercalated architecture of MA2Z4family layered van der Waals materials with emerging topological, magnetic and superconducting properties,Nature Communications12, 2361 (2021). 2. Interface engineering of ferroelectricity in thin films of thiophosphate ABP2X6 (A = Cu, Ag; B = In, Bi, Cr, V; X = S, Se),Phys. Rev. B104, 224102 (2021). 3. Electrically switchable valley polarization, spin/valley filter, and valve effects in transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers interfaced with two-dimensional ferromagnetic semiconductors,Phys. Rev. B104, L201403 (2021). 4. Deep moiré potentials in twisted transition metal dichalcogenide bilayers.Nat. Phys.17, 720 (2021). 5. Effects of the substrate-surface reconstruction and orientation on the spin valley polarization in MoTe2/EuO,Phys. Rev. B102, 155413 (2020). |