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发布日期:2022-07-01     点击量:
















刘维清,1977 年4 月生,江西理工大学教授(二级),北京邮电大学物理电子学博士,中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所博士后,曾在新加坡国立大学和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校访学。江西省百千万人才人选,江西省中青年学科带头人,江西省青年科学家培养对象,江西省物理学会理事,江西省自然科学二等奖获得者,江西省教学成果三等奖获得者,北京市优秀博士论文获得者,江西省高校优秀中共党员,赣州市科协先进工作者。江西理工大学优秀教师,优秀硕士生导师(指导2名学生获校优秀毕业论文)优秀青年科技标兵,清江拔尖人才。曾主持国家自然科学基金项目3 项,参与完成国家科学基金2 项,主持江西省科技项目7项,获江西省高等学校教学成果一、二等奖各1 项(第二名)。发表SCI 收录论文40篇,SCI 引用达412 次,申请国家发明专利5项,其中获得授权3 项,出版专著1部。主要研究方向非线性动力学与复杂系统。主要从事混沌动力学、时空混沌、混沌同步和反同步控制、统计物理基本问题等方面的研究。








(3).主持国家自然科学基金理论物理专款博士启动基金“耦合振子的振幅死亡动力学的研究”(10947117) 2010.01-2010.12, 经费3万元,




(7).主持江西省教育厅青年基金项目“复杂网络中振子死亡动力学的研究”(GJJ10162)经费0.5万元, 2010.01-2011.12 已结题。











[1]Weiqing LiuGuibao Xiao Yun Zhu·Jinghua Xiao, Jürgen Kurths, Oscillator death induced by amplitude-dependent coupling in repulsively coupled oscillators, Physical Review E 91(5)(2015 )052902.

[2] Ji Jia · Zhiwen Song ·Weiqing Liu· Jinghua Xiao, Experimental Study of the Triplet Synchronization of Coupled Nonidentical Mechanical Metronomes, Scientific Reports 5 17008, 2015

[3] Zhiwen Song, Ye Wu,Weiqing Liu, Jinghua Xiao, Experimental Study of the Irrational Phase Synchronization of Coupled Nonidentical Mechanical Metronomes, PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118986

[4] Jiangnan Chen ·Weiqing Liu· Yun Zhu · Jinghua Xiao,The effects of dual-channel coupling on the transition from amplitude death to oscillation death, Europhysics Letters 115(2):20011 ·2016.

[5] Ji Jia,Ye Wu, Weiqing Liu,Jinghua Xiao, Experimental study on amplitude-frequency characteristic and basin stability of horizontally driven pendulum, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS 54, 3, 839-846, 2016

[6] Tongfa Deng ·Weiqing Liu· Yun Zhu ·jinghua Xiao · Jurgen Kurths, Reviving oscillation with optimal spatial period of frequency distribution in coupled oscillators, Chaos 26(9):094813 ·2016

[7] Ji Jia, Zhichun Shangguan, Haihong Li, Ye Wu,Weiqing Liu, Jinghua Xiao, and Jürgen Kurths , Experimental and modeling analysis of asymmetrical on-off oscillation in coupled nonidentical inverted bottle oscillators, Chaos 26, 116301 (2016);

[8]张伟婧,刘维清,陈伟,规则网络中流耦合作用对爆发式同步的影响,河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)46(1) 2018

[9] Guibao Xiao ·Weiqing Liu· Yueheng Lan ·Jinghua Xiao,Stable amplitude chimera states and chimera death in repulsively coupled chaotic oscillators, Nonlinear Dyn, 93(3)1047(2018)

[10]Weiqing Liu,Tae Yun Kim, Xiaodong Huang, Michael B. Liu, Gideon Koren, Bum-Rak Choi, Zhilin Qu, Mechanisms linking T-wave alternans to spontaneous initiation of ventricular arrhythmias in rabbit models of long QT syndrome, J Physiol 596.8 (2018) 1341–1355

[11]Weiqing Liu*Xiaoqi LeiJiangnan ChenEffects of periodically modulated coupling on amplitude death in nonidentical oscillators,EPL (Europhysics Letters) 125(5),50004(2019

[12]Wei Chen,Weiqing Liu, Yueheng Lan, Jinghua Xiao, Explosive synchronization transition in a ring of coupled oscillators, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 70 271,(2019)

[13]Weiqing Liu, Xingang Wang, Shuguang Guan, and Choy Heng Lai, Transition to amplitude death in scale-free networks,New journal of physics 11 093016 2009(SCI收录:494NB)

[14]Weiqing Liu, JH. Xiao, LX. Li,Y. Wuand M. Lu, “Effects of gradient coupling on amplitude death in nonidentical oscillators”,Nonlinear Dynamics(2012) 69:1041–1050(SCI收录)

[15] Ye Wu,Weiqing Liu, Jinghua Xiao, Wei Zou, and Jürgen Kurths, Effects of spatial frequency distributions on amplitude death in an array of coupled Landau-Stuart oscillators, Physics Review E 85, 056211 (2012)(SCI收录).

[16]Weiqing Liu,Evgeny Volkov, Jinghua Xiao, Wei Zou, Meng Zhan, and Junzhong Yang, Inhomogeneous stationary and oscillatory regimes in coupled chaotic oscillators,Chaos, 22, 033144 (2012).

[17]Weiqing Liu,Jingfa Deng,Jinghua Xaio,Experimental observation of multirhythmic pattern in chains of Rossler circuits,Chinese physics B,12 556(2012).

[18]Weiqing Liu,Ye Wu, Jinghua Xiao, and Meng Zhan, Effects of frequency-degree correlation on synchronization transition in scale-free network,Europhysics Letters 101 38002 (2013).

[19]Xiaoqi LeiWeiqing Liu*Wei ZouJürgen KurthsCoexistence of oscillation and quenching states: Effect of low-pass active filtering in coupled oscillatorsChaos 29(7):0731102019

[20]Kaizheng Lian,Xinglong Zhou,Weiqing Liu*,Jinghua Xiao,Antiphase synchronization and central symmetrical antiphase synchronization in magnetic field coupled circuits,Nonlinear Dyn 99:3217–3229(2020)

[21]Shilan Su, Jinghua Xiao,Weiqing Liu(*)and Ye Wu, Experimental study on dynamics of the clapping coupling system, Europhysics Letters, 129(6) 60004(2020).

[22]Shi-Lan Su, Jinghua Xiao, Ye Wu,Weiqing Liu*,Synchronization mechanism of clapping rhythms in mutual interacting individuals, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 30, No. 1 (2021) 010505

[23] Wei Chen, Shengfeng Wang, Yueheng Lan,Weiqing Liu*,Jinghua Xiao,Explosive synchronization caused by optimizing synchrony of coupled phase oscillators on complex networks,The European Physical Journal B 94(10):205,(2021)

[24] Hanchang Liu,Weiqing Liu*, Chaoxin Fu, and Meng Zhan,Sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal patterns in amplitude envelope synchronization, Physical Review E (2022),105, 044209.






[30]刘维清,耦合振子系统的振荡猝灭动力学,科学出版社,2019,ISBN 9787030628329,http://www.ecsponline.com/goods.php?id=202387

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