学术成果 |
近5年论文 1.Yi-Cai Zhang, and Guo-Bao Zhu, Infinite bound states and hydrogen atom-like energy spectrum induced by a flat band, Journal of Physics B, 55, 065001 (2022). 2.Yi-Cai Zhang,Wave function collapses and 1/n energy spectrum induced by a Coulomb potential in a one-dimensional flat band system, Chinese Phys. B, 31,050311 (2022). 3.Yi-Cai Zhang, Infinite bound states and 1/n energy spectrum induced by a Coulomb potential of type III in a flat band system, Phys. Scr. 97, 015401 (2022). 4.Yi-Cai Zhangand Yan-Yang Zhang, Lyapunov exponent, mobility edges, and critical region in the generalized Aubry-André model with an unbounded quasiperiodic potential, Phys. Rev. B 105, 174206 (2022). 5.Yu-Rong Wu andYi-Cai Zhang,Superfluid states in α T3 lattice, Chinese Phys. B 30, 060306 (2021). 6. Yu-Rong Wu, Xiao-Fei Zhang, Chao-Fei Liu, Wu-Ming Liu andYi-Cai Zhang, Superfluid density and collective modes of fermion superfluid in dice lattice, Sci Rep 11,13572 (2021). 7.Yi-Cai Zhang,“Superfluid density, Josephson relation and pairing fluctuations in a multi-component fermion superfluid”,Scientific Reports,11,21847 (2021) 8.Chengdong He,Zejian Ren,Bo Song,Entong Zhao,Jeongwon Lee,Yi-Cai Zhang,Shizhong Zhang,and Gyu-Boong Jo, Collective excitations in two-dimensional SU(N) Fermi gases with tunable spin, PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, 012028(R) (2020). 9.Zhang, YC (Zhang, Yi-Cai);Song, SW (Song, Shu-Wei) ; Chen, G (Chen, Gang), Normal density and moment of inertia of a moving superfluid, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS,53,155303(2020). 10.Yi-Cai Zhang,Chao-Fei Liu, Bao Xu, Gang Chen, and W. M. Liu, Two-fluid theory for a superfluid system with anisotropic effective masses, Phys. Rev. A.99. 043622 (2019). 11.Lang Zheng(郑浪),Yi-Cai Zhang(张义财), and Chao-Fei Liu(刘超飞), Propagation of dark soliton interacting with domain wall in two immiscible Bose–Einstein condensates, Chin.Phys.B 28, (2019) 116701. 12.Guangcun Liu andYi-Cai Zhang,“The universalities of a single-component Fermi gas at a p-wave resonant point”, EPL 122 40006(2018). 13.Yi-Cai Zhang,“Generalized Josephson relation for conserved charges in multicomponent bosons”, Phys. Rev. A.98. 033611 (2018). 14.Guangcun Liu andYi-Cai Zhang,“Studies of a single component Fermi gas near a pwave resonance with the lowest order constrained variational method”, EPL 122 40006(2018). 15. Yi-Cai Zhang, “Strongly Interacting p-wave Fermi Gas in Two-Dimensions: Universal Relations and Breathing Mode”, Phys. Rev. A.95. 023603 (2017). 16.Yi-Cai Zhang, Shanshan Ding and Shizhong Zhang, “Collective modes in the orbital Feshbach resonance Fermi gas”, Phys. Rev. A.95. 04160(R) (2017). 17.Yi-Cai Zhang, Zhihao Xu and Shizhong Zhang, “Topological Superfluids and BEC-BCS Crossover in Attractive Haldane-Hubbard Model”, Phys. Rev. A.95. 043640 (2017). |