1.Cubic arc-transitive Cayley graphs on Frobenius groups,2018 2.Pentavalent arc-transitive graphs of order 2p2q,2018 3.Prime-valent arc-transitive basic graphs with order 4p or 4p2,2018 4.Tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs of order p2q2,2019 5.Heptavalent arc-transitive Cayley graphs on Frobenius groups with soluble vertex stabilizer,2020 6.On the proportion of elements in finite symmetric group: I,2024 7.On the proportion of elements in finite symmetric group: II,2024 8.One note on the number of pairwise non-isomorphic connected regular graphs,2024 9.Transitive permutation groups with elements of movement m or m-3, 2024 10.Finite solvable groups G with m(G)-d(G)=1,2024 11.Finte groups with 13-cyclic subgroups,2024 12.On Sylow-covers of cubic arc-transitive graphs,2024 13.Transitive permutation groups with elements of movement m or m-4, 2024 14.On p-radical covers of pentavalent arc-transitive graphs,2024 15.Finite groups with 14-cyclic subgroups or 15-cyclic subgroups,2024 |