1. On the Analysis of Ant Colony Optimization for the Maximum Independent Set Problem. Frontiers of Computer Science, doi: 10.1007/s11704-020-9464-7 (SCI、EI收录),第一作者 2. On the effectiveness of immune inspired mutation operators in some discrete optimization problems.Information Sciences, 2018, 426: 87-100 (SCI、EI收录,中科院TOP期刊),第一作者 3. Performance Analysis of ACO on the Quadratic Assignment Problem.Chinesejournal ofelectronics(电子学报英文版),2018, 27(1): 26-34(SCI收录),第一作者 4.Performance Analysis of Evolutionary Optimization for the Bank Account Location Problem.IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 17756-17767 (SCI、EI收录),第一作者 5.On the Analysis of the (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm for the Maximum Leaf Spanning Tree Problem, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015, 92(10): 2023-2035(SCI、EI收录),第一作者 6.The analysis of evolutionary optimisation on the TSP(1,2) problem.International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering,2019, 18(3), 261-268(EI收录),第一作者 7. When is the immune inspired B-Cell algorithm superior to the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm.International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking,2018, 12(3), 307-313(EI收录),第一作者 8.Runningtime analysis of the Pareto archived evolution strategy on pseudo-Boolean functions. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018, 77(9): 11203-11217(SCI、EI收录),通讯作者 9.A comparative performance analysis of evolutionary algorithms onk-median and facility location problems. Soft Computing, 2018,22(23):7787–7796(SCI、EI收录),通讯作者 10.蚁群优化算法的理论研究进展.智能系统学报. 2016,11(1):27-36,第一作者 |