学术成果 |
专著: 《活性粒子的输运、扩散和集体行为》,冶金工业出版社,2021年8月出版 论文: JingjingLiaoet al.Transport of the moving obstacle driven by alignment active particles. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2025, 190, 115747 JingjingLiaoet al.温差条件下包含手征活性粒子的封闭圆环的输运.物理学报,2023,72, 030501 FujunLin,Jingjing Liao(通信作者), et al.Spontaneous crystallization of chiral active colloidal particles.Physica A, 2022, 608, 128312 Jingjing Liao, Baoquan Ai. Inertial Effects on Crystallization of Inertial Active Particles. Physica A, 2021, 582, 126251.8 Jingjing Liao,Fujun Lin.混合手征活性粒子在时间延迟反馈下的扩散和分离.物理学报, 2020, 69(22),220501. Jingjing Liao, Xiaoqun Huang, Baoquan Ai. Transport of the moving barrier driven by chiral active particles. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 148(9): 094902-1-9.17 Jingjing Liao, Xiaoqun Huang, Baoquan Ai. Current reversals of active particles in the time- oscillating potentials. Soft Matter, 2018, 14(38):7850-7858.4 Jingjing Liao, Weijing Zhu, Baoquan Ai. Transport and diffusion of paramagnetic ellipsoidal particles in a rotating magnetic field. Physical Review E, 2018, 97(6):062151-1-13.12 Jingjing Liao, Qian Deng, Wen Qu. Modulational instability for an induced field in the far-wake region of a space vehicle. Physica Scripta, 2012,85(85): 434-442. Jingjing Liao, Liang Chen, Yimin Mao.极光带下层区电双层及密度空穴.强激光与粒子束. 2011, 23(10):2645-2649 Fujun Lin,Jingjing Liao, Baoquan Ai. Separation and alignment of chiral active particles in a rotational magnetic field. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152, 224903. Fujun Lin,Jingjing Liao, Jianchun Wu, Baoquan Ai.. Solid-liquid transition induced by the anisotropic diffusion of colloidal particles. Chinese Physics B, 2022, 31, 036401. Xiaoqun Huang,Jingjing Liao, Baoquan Ai. Rectified transport of a ring containing self-propelled particles. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2018, 2018(2):023209-1-12. S. Q. Liu(研究生导师),Jingjing Liao. Numerical analysis of double layers in the downward current region of the aurora. Journal of Plasma Physics,2011, 77 (3): 345- 356. S. Q. Liu(研究生导师),Jingjing Liao. An investigation of the double layers caused by space vehicles moving through ionosphere. Physica Scripta, 2010, 82 (4): 045902-1-7. Bao-quan Ai, Wei-jing Zhu,Jing-jing Liao. Collective transportof polar active particles on the surface of a corrugated tube. New Journal of Physics, 2019, 21(9):093041 |